Comprehend. Convey. Connect.
I am Maria Dziekonska, interpreter and translator for the languages German, English and Polish.



Translating a spoken or written text orally

Simultaneous and Conference Interpreting
In simultaneous interpreting, speeches are translated almost in real-time into another language.
Consecutive Interpreting
In consecutive interpreting, the translation of longer speech segments takes place with a time lag, usually based off of notes after the presentation of the original text.
Chuchotage or Whispered Interpreting
A special form of simultaneous interpreting. The whispering interpreter is behind (or next to) the person receiving interpreting services, and whispers the translation of the speech.


Translating a text, usually written, for someone in writing

Translation from documents
Certifications, documents, certificates - certified by request
Literature and technical translations
Articles, books, documentaries, legal correspondence, etc.
Copywriting, websites, PR material
meaningful and customer-oriented texts, translated idiomatically and accurately so that even pictorial language is communicated to the foreign-language reader in an appealing and understandable manner

Certified language combinations

German ▶ Polski

German ▶ English

English ▶ German

English ▶ Polski

Polski ▶ German

Polski ▶ English



Certified Translator (English & Polish)


Certified Interpreter (English & Polish)

Magistra Artium

Graduated with the degree of Magistra Artium in English and classical philology from Heidelberg University


Membership of the BDÜ Berlin-Brandenburg and German Association of Conference Interpreters VKD

Administration of Oath & Accreditation

Sworn interpreter and authorized translator for the Berlin courts and notaries

Areas of Expertise

About me

The profession of interpreter is a combination of working with people, being sensitive to different languages, ​​and communicating intellectual content and ideas. I see my work as a key element in knowledge sharing and intercultural communication, building bridges between nations, cultures, and religions My approach is based on openness, respectful relationships on equal footing, as well as a great deal of engagement and empathy.

Fair dealings with customers as well as colleagues are very important to me personally. Instead of competition, I rely on mutual support and understanding. Only a harmonious interpreter constellation can achieve excellent results in communication between different interlocutors. We all continue to learn our whole lives, so I always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism. On the basis of my strong professional training and thorough individualized preparation for each job, I perform my work conscientiously, goal-oriented, and attentively, and I always strive for the highest quality and the satisfaction of my customers.

See for yourself!


Maria Dziekonska


„Die Situation der Slowenen in Deutschland.”


Dziekońska, M. & M. Dziekoński 2014.
Jesenšek, Marko (Hrsg.) Slovenski jezik na stičišču več kultur. Schriftenreihe ZORA 102. Maribor: Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in kniževnosti. 230-250.

„Nationale Minderheiten in Osteuropa am Beispiel von Polen und Ungarn.”


Dziekońska, M. & M. Dziekoński 2013.
G. Gornig & A. M. Rafael (Hrsg.) Minderheitenschutz. Eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung. Schriftenreihe Europäische Studien. Band 3. Marburg: Klages Verlag. 149-197

“Bringing up a child in two languages and two cultures: An autobiographical view.”


Dziekońska, M. 2013.
P. Stankovska, M. Wtorkowska & J. Pallay Individualna in kolektivna dvojezičnost. Ljubljana: Slavica Slovenica. 268- 281.

English in New York City: An empirical case study. The Northern Cities Chain Shift in New York City.


Dziekońska, M. 2011.
München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.

Slips of the Tongue: A Classification.


Dziekońska, M. 2011.
München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.